3 years ago
Partners Blog

Brand asset management explained

Grace Thompson

With time becoming increasingly precious, it’s all too easy to lose sight of what people are expected to know or not. 

Talking from first-hand experience, assumptions tend to be made and more often than not, things then don’t tend to turn out the way they were supposed to.

So rather than relying on the brave individual at the back of the class to raise their hand and ask the question that everyone else wants to know, I have taken it upon myself to explain a bit about brand management platforms whilst casting away any assumptions of what people already know or not...let's get into it, shall we?

A brand asset management platform (BAM) system is usually cloud based, allowing access 24hrs a day 365 days a year through a web browser. 

By logging in through an online portal, it allows the user to see all of the assets that are associated with that brand. 

Crucially, the assets a user has access to, can be controlled (if required), allowing the user to access the assets that are relevant to them.

Brand Assets
"What is an asset?" Search the internet and you will find a myriad of definitions, all slightly different.

The one I like to use is “a useful or valuable thing or person.” 

Yes, whilst simple, it captures a sentiment that can be applied across the board. 

Assets can range from virtual items, like an audio, video or image file to items with a physical form, pens, mugs or t-shirts. 

Assets can also be department specific, for marketing it might be the latest set of brand guidelines, a social media banner for the press team or a spreadsheet for finance, all of these constitute an asset in their own right.

Browsing a library of assets, the user makes a selection(s) and orders. Depending on the asset the user is looking to acquire it could be a virtual downloadable file, (jpg, mp3, ttf, ase, pdf) or in the case of a physical asset, a brochure, pen, clothing or any other physical item. 

Some platforms also allow the personalisation of assets, this means that the user can customise the item they are ordering. 

For example, they might be ordering a newsletter whereby a pre-designed template allows the user the flexibility to upload content and images that are specific to their requirements, alternatively it might be adding a logo to T-Shirt or mail merging a letter from a database.

The features of platforms are ever expanding from webinars, CPD, and compliance to name but a few. 

Considering your options…it’s worth doing your homework, compare the platforms and find the right one for you.

Why do we need a brand management platform? 
Given the importance that many companies place on their brand, a brand management platform seeks to centralise and simplify access to brand materials for all those involved its use.

Arguably a brands greatest asset is the people associated with it, from employees, suppliers, brand ambassadors or end users.

By empowering users and allowing them access to create their own branded material, brand management platforms are quickly becoming a “brand essential” in their own right.

Written by Marcel Van Den Boogaard, Lead Consultant at Brand iQ

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