3 years ago
Partners Blog

An update from our CSO

Grace Thompson

We are excited to announce that Brand iQ Technologies has now set up a North American Division based in Toronto. 

This development will be run as a joint venture with CJ Graphics, one of our Brand iQ resellers. 

We also progressed further with our Manroland relationship in the US, and Europe. In the UK, we are about to sign our second printer up on to Brand iQ as a direct result of the close collaboration between Paul Guy, National Sales Manager at Manroland and the Brand iQ team.

Paul Guy and Peter Redmond, Managing Director at Manroland UK introduced us to Sean Springett, the CEO of Manroland US which led to this latest and exciting development at Brand iQ.

Despite navigating through a difficult period of 15 months and a global pandemic, we have chased the opportunities and expect to see a number of new customers in the US over the coming months as a direct result of the above expansion.

For now, Europe remains a challenge as the European countries struggle to control the COVID-19 pandemic, but as it improves we will continue to push on with our partners there.

- Jamie Booth, CSO at Brand iQ Technologies

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